Panda Invasion! Free Printable Baby Monthly Milestone Signs for baby photos, panda-style!
We love pandas. I've painted a portrait of our little family as pandas... We have a giant panda stuffed animal in our living room. Plus, we dress as pandas on Halloween. It's only natural for Phil and Mama to share free printable baby monthly milestone signs, invaded by pandas!!!
Panda family, painted with watercolor coloring pencils: Derwent Inktense*
Click on the link toward the end of this post to download the free PDF file of the printable panda signs. Panda-rious! Panda-rrifc! Pandas, pandas, everywhere!
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Here's the sign for you to use when your baby is nine months old!
Here's the sign for you to use when your cutie is seven months old!
Here's the sign for your one month old munchkin to pose with for a cute pic!
>>Click here to download the free printable PDF: Panda-Invasion Baby Monthly Milestone signs!<< All 12 months included!
*Note, these printables, as with all printables found on this blog, are for personal use only. The graphics are royalty-free images from, and their use must follow's royalty-free license agreement.