Unboxing and honest review of the Kawaii Box (October 2015)

*This review contains a giveaway! Enter at the end of this post for your chance to win a free Japan Candy Box for yourself!* Giveaway ends on December 9th, 2015.
Note: Kawaii Box offers their subscribers boxes packed with cute, surprise items from Korea and Japan every month, starting from $17.30 per month.


me, three months pregnant with phil, in my favorite city in the world, tokyo!!!

me, three months pregnant with phil, in my favorite city in the world, tokyo!!!

Growing up addicted to Japanese culture as a child and teenager, and then falling in love with Korean culture as a young adult, I was super happy to have the opportunity to partner with Kawaii Box, review their product, and host a giveaway. I was so excited about getting my Kawaii Box in the mail. I waited, and waited, like a child who counts down for Christmas when it's Halloween. Yes, I'm a fully-grown adult woman and mother of a toddler and I like cute things, toys, gadgets, videogames and anime! Sailormoon was, and I believe, still is my idol.

Before my review sample arrived, almost everyday, I would go home anticipating the arrival of my October 2015 Kawaii Box!! It took a while for the shipment to come through, and the box had a long journey flying over here from Asia...

Initial Impression (KAWAII!!) 4/5 PANDAS

Unopened box, straight from the postal service! A little worn from the travel. It came from Asia!

Unopened box, straight from the postal service! A little worn from the travel. It came from Asia!

The box was a little smaller than I thought it would be. I really wish that it came as a squarish box. When I think of gift boxes, I think of nice cubic boxes. The box itself was a bit worn from its travels and that's fine. I love how it's branded. Very kawaii (cute in Japanese) and very feminine. I don't know how young boys and guys would feel about this box...

Pray for Paris and the world...

Pray for Paris and the world...

Unboxing Fun: 4/5 PANDAS

You get 10-12 surprise items in each Kawaii Box. Each month, the box comes with different items. My October 2015 box came will 11 different items, three of which are candy, and two of which are plushy-ish (the bunny pencil holder and the cat coin purse). The box was easy to open and the surprise items were hidden by a Kawaii Box branded tissue paper. The items were neatly stacked and with each unveiling, I held my breath!

Prior boxes, see at http://www.kawaiibox.com

Prior boxes, see at http://www.kawaiibox.com

So dreamy and cute

So dreamy and cute

Variety of Items: 4/5 PANDAS and Appeal to the Masses: 3/5 PANDAS

I have no complaints about the variety of items included in this box. I really liked the candy selection, even though one of them is a pink poop lollipop. There was another lollipop and a Meiji make your own Sushi Gummy set. Very yummy and very sticky. The sushi gummy disappeared into my belly in minutes. You have a mix of items that will appeal to females, young and older. I'm not sure if this set would appeal to males, though Phil, who is a little over two now, did like the sparkly cell phone jewel stickers. He made a masterpiece out of them, see below.

Here are all the items laid out for you

Here are all the items laid out for you

Baby Phil's Masterpiece... I call it Sparkly jewels in the Nebula of brown green and blue

Baby Phil's Masterpiece... I call it Sparkly jewels in the Nebula of brown green and blue

My two favorite items!

My two favorite items!

Usefulness of Items: 3.5/5 PANDAS

It's hard for me, an adult, to find uses for every one of the items. But I guess it's a little unfair for me to judge, especially when this box is intended for a much younger audience. I also wished there was a theme to this box. I just don't know what the theme is, other than a bunch of cute random items boxed together. Honestly, I think I would have loved the September 2015 or August 2015 boxes even more!


I really wished for Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma items in this box, but I don't think any of the items were Sanrio or Rilakkuma related. Also, Alpacas! That's surprise boxes for you though! You won't know what you'll get, you won't like everything in them, but you'll be pleasantly surprised and have fun as you're unboxing.

i got this cute walking and singing alpaca from a ufo machine in tokyo. BESt alpaca toy ever...

i got this cute walking and singing alpaca from a ufo machine in tokyo. BESt alpaca toy ever...

i could not get any one of these guys when i was in tokyo.. so sad! I spent over $50USD on ufo machines there...

i could not get any one of these guys when i was in tokyo.. so sad! I spent over $50USD on ufo machines there...

Final Thoughts and Score: 3.7 out of 5 PANDAS!

A theme for the boxes each month will make it even more appealing. For instance, was this month's theme nautical? There were fish stickers. Sushi candy. But then there's also a cat and a bunny. And a pink-poop-shaped lollipop! Personally, I would have loved opening a cubic box even more. But I can see the love Kawaii Box has put into this product. There are personalized touches every where. It's a pleasure to unbox the Kawaii Box. It's super-appealing to younger kids I'm sure, so if your child is a huge fan of Japanese culture and products, why not get her or him a box or two to try it out?  This box definitely made me yearn for Tokyo and Japan, and I'm all nostalgic now! Make sure you scroll down and enter the giveaway!! 

recipe time!-4.png

Giveaway! Sponsored by Kawaii Box

Back story and disclosure: 

Thank you Kawaii Box and Mika for sending the October 2015 version of the Kawaii Box. Other than receiving this sample box to review, I was not financially compensated for this 100% honest post. The opinions I've published are completely my own, based on my experience. Kawaii Box is responsible for all prize distribution.