Top Ten Baby Shower Registry Must-Have Items for the modern and busy mom and baby
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Baby Phil's top ten baby shower registry must-have list items
Chances are, you'll be able to stuff an adult's closet with the amount of clothes, bibs, and socks you'll receive during your baby shower. Why not list some super useful baby items and furniture pieces in your baby shower registry? This will guide your friends and loved ones in purchasing the best gifts for you. As new and busy parents, these pieces will undoubtedly make your lives better and save you precious time so you can shower your new little ones with energetic attention.
1. Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair: This chair is not cheap but it's super sleek, ergonomic and functional. It's a high chair that lasts forever. It's an amazing piece of furniture that your baby (six months and older) can sit in until she/he’s a 300-pound adult (hopefully your child won’t ever weigh that much). Sturdy, easy-to-use, secure, and modern-looking, a must-have functional piece for any modern and busy parent. (You should not pay more than $600 USD for the complete set, which also includes a seat cushion, tray, and seating high-back and rail.)
2. Graco Pack ‘n Play On The Go Travel Playard: Newborns feed every two to three hours. During the first six weeks of baby's life, this “pack n’ play” can serve as baby's temporary crib, placed right next to mommy and daddy’s bed. When baby is older (up until around two years old), this can be used as a playpen. Great for traveling too, it’s can be folded into a compact box with a carrying handle. Sturdy and easy to clean. Be sure to get fitted cotton crib sheets for the mattress that comes with the Pack 'n Play.
3. Snugabunny Cradle Baby Swing: These are superb swings because the baby will love seeing her/himself in the mirror over his head, will fall asleep quickly to the hypnotic swinging and will give mommy and daddy some rest. Baby will be snug, happy and secure in this swing. Just make sure to put a pillow like the BabyMoon pillow beneath baby’s head to prevent plagiocephaly (flat head). Babies should not sleep through the night with the swing and must be monitored when using any pillows. The recommended time for use of the swing is no more than 30 minutes.
4. Britax B-Agile Stroller and Car Seat: You can’t go wrong with the B-Agile and B-Safe Travel system (~$290+ USD). The stroller is super safe and durable (hey if it can navigate the streets of NYC, land of potholes, it can navigate any street) and it’s comfortable for baby, whether he/she is in the car seat or on the stroller without the car seat.
5. Phillips AVENT Classic Plus Essentials Gift Set: I love, love the glass bottles from Phillips as they are easy to clean, natural, and non-toxic. The draw back is that they are heavy and can crack when you pour in warm to hot water. They will break and shatter when you drop them. If you're not into glass bottles, put this gift set into your registry. It comes with everything you need-- microwave sterilizer container, bottle brush, formula dispenser, and a pacifier.
6. Maclaren Mark II Stroller: This is one of the lightest strollers out there. A must-have stroller for when baby reaches a year or a bit older. You may have to store this one for a bit, but I can't stress how much I love this stroller. You fold it when it's not in use and sling it on your back, as if it's a thick, long umbrella. It's an amazing stroller for urban and modern parents.
7. Medela Swing Portable Electric Breast pump: For mommies who will pump milk, this portable and affordable (you may be able to get reimbursement through your insurance, by the way) electric unit works very well. Going back to work full-time, I was able to pump 10-20 ounces of milk in my office using this unit. It's light and durable-- I've dropped mine a few times and it still works just fine. It uses batteries and comes with an adapter. For mommies who prefer manual pumping, I recommend the Phillips Avent Hand Pump. For milk storage, I recommend Lansinoh's leak-proof storage bags.
8. The First Years Infant To Toddler Tub with Sling: Since he was born, we bathed Phil in this tub. Super useful, easy to clean, and comfortable for the baby. At 16 months old, Phil still bathes in this tub.
9. Pampers Size One and Size Two Diapers: Newborns will grow out of size NB diapers very quickly. At first, you'd probably be changing ten (plus or minus) soiled diapers a day. You'll go through diapers so fast that you wished more people gave you diapers at your baby shower. Make sure to list diapers in your registry.
10. Skip Hop Pronto Changing Station: We love this well-priced, comprehensive changing station and diapering kit. It's pretty and includes everything that new parents need: a changing pad with a comfortable baby pillow, a diaper wipes container, and a mesh pocket to contain all diapering essentials. Plus a pocket for your phone, wallet or keys! Easy to stuff into a diaper bag, beneath a stroller, or into dad's backpack. When you're fumbling to change your little one (LO), you'd want everything at your disposal and this changing station will ensure just that!
These are Phil and Mama Kat's list of must-have baby shower registry items. What do you think? What's in your must-have list and baby registry?
Also, if you need to start a baby registry, one of the best baby registries is right on Amazon.