Free Printable Jack O'Lantern Templates for All Ages (Guest Post)

*scroll down for the printable templates*

Fall is now in full swing and the spookiest day of the year is just around the corner! As you are busy figuring out a Halloween costume for yourself and your little ones, Phil and Mama are sharing some free Halloween printables from our friends over at Personal Creations. They created 15 Jack O'Lantern templates in a variety of difficulty levels and themes so your whole family can get involved. If you have kids too young to carve, you can also paint, glue beads or decorate with yarn. 

Here are more tips from our friends at Personal Creations: After you have visited the pumpkin patch and picked which one you want on your front step, download one of the jack o’ lantern templates below! But first, be sure to follow the simple steps below.

  1. Wash any dirt off the pumpkin.

  2. Cut a round circle at the top and remove the stem. Make sure to keep it in tact to use later!

  3. Remove all of the gooey insides and the pumpkin seeds. If you are adventurous, you can clean off the seeds and bake them with sea salt and spice for a protein-packed treat.

  4. Pick your template, print it out and tape it to the side of the pumpkin you wish to carve.

  5. Next, get to cutting with a short, sharp knife.

  6. Place a tea candle inside and admire your handy work!

We rated the difficulty of each template on a scale of one to five. Difficulty levels one through three are good for all ages, especially younger children, while levels four and five are best for children nine and above. If your little ones are not quite up to the task of carving with a knife, check out some of the alternatives below.

  • Paint a silly face rather than carving.

  • Cover the pumpkin in gauze and turn it into a mummy.

  • Glue beads or buttons on it in spooky patterns.

  • Use felt, glue and scissors to make cute figures.

  • Decorate with yarn.

  • Paint it with chalkboard paint and let your little ones color.

Thanks a spooky fun bunch to our friends at Personal Creations and Happy Halloween everyone!

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