Inspired Year Planner Giveaway and Free Inspiring Quote Printables!
*This is not a sponsored post. We received a free Inspired Year Planner to review. All opinions expressed belong to Phil and Mama.
Hello friends! I've always been punctual, organized, and neat, even as a child. I think it all stems from having nervous and timely parents who always worried about missing deadlines, missing a subway train, a scheduled appointment, etc... My dad would wake up every morning at 5AM to be at work by 7AM, every single day. He had a regular 9-5 job. I don't think he has ever missed a payment, or arrived late to a meeting. (Or to work for that matter, despite living in NYC, a city where the subways rarely run on time!)
I've never succeeded in keeping a planner. I tried with the bullet journal. It was fun, for the first week. And then, I just never touched my journal again. I think ever since I had an iPhone, I stopped writing in journals and using paper planners, unless I was at work.
Always expect good things to happen!
When I received a 2017-2018 Inspired Year Planner from This Cherished Life, I was skeptical. Would I use it? I was, however, in love with the build and beauty of my new planner. Although I'm neat and tidy, I tend to be clumsy and messy. On the first day, I plopped the planner down on a messy dinner table and it was stained! That annoyed me, until I realized I could wipe the stains right off the planner! Win!
The feel of the planner is area, and I simply adore it's well-thought-out design, starting with the gold-striped cover and the colorful pages within. The season dividers look like beautiful artwork. The planner comes with simple instructions and notes for the user, guiding us on how to plan goals, write down milestones, and reflect on daily and weekly activities. I love the areas for free writing exercises, and the dozens of curated inspiring quotes within the planner. I can doodle and jot down notes in the planner, to my heart's content.
hello fall, indeed
beautiful painting
I have horrible handwriting. Please excuse it!
The planner is sturdy, it takes my abuse, and it's absolutely gorgeous! It's a calendar and goal-setting planner, all in one. So if you love using planners, I would recommend you pick one up. It's definitely a keeper. It's priced at $39.95, which is reasonable, especially if it's something you'll use to plan your days, weeks, and months, on a daily basis. I'm loving my new planner, and I think you will too. Will it convert me into a planner user, however? We'll have to see. It's hard to teach old dogs new tricks, and I'm no spring chicken, LOL!
Luckily for Phil and Mama readers, you can win your own 2018 planner! Please leave a comment in this blog post and one lucky winner will be selected randomly!
Free Printables
As promised, here are some free inspiring quotes printables that I quickly made, using
>Download the full set as PDF here<
Distance means so little when friendship means so much- so true for us, all our friends are on the east coast while we're in the west coast
Do something good for someone who cannot thank you
It's not always about trying to fix something that's broken, it's about starting over and creating something better.
To invent your own life's meaning is not easy, but it's still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble.
Life is like a cup of tea. To be filled to the brim and enjoyed with friends.
A cup of tea is an excuse to share great thoughts with great minds! Amen!
I hope you enjoy these free printables, and remember, leave Phil and Mama a comment below to enter to win a free Inspired Year Planner!
Cheers, loves! Mama Kat