Why I'm returning my Felix Gray Designer Computer Eye Wear: Updated Review
Updated review (2019):
Hi friends! Felix Gray sent me a new (and complimentary) pair of Faraday eyeglasses in exchange for an updated honest review. Below, you can read my old review (from a year ago) and see that I had returned my last pair, as it had a few issues. With my new pair, I am happy to report that Felix Gray has resolved one of the issues that irked me the most: annoying, squeaky frames. While my new pair of Faraday eyeglasses still squeak when you tug at the hinges, they don’t squeak as easily as they used to.
As far as looks, I never had any complaints about Faraday’s style. It’s super chic and classy in black. My new pair of eyeglasses from Felix Gray also feels sturdier and heavier than my old pair. Alas, I have returned that pair, so I can’t compare them side-by-side. I remember the older pair being made with Japanese titanium. The new pair is advertised to be made with acetate from Italy. The new pair is pretty comfortable to wear, I have to add.
Prices have not changed, so you will still have to fork out at least $95 (USD) for a pair of Felix Gray eyeglasses. The eyeglasses comes with a wiper cloth (I got two because it’s their anniversary), a pretty case, and lens wipes.
What I have to say is that Felix Gray does care about getting it right, and serving your eyes and keeping them happy. I know for a fact that their customer service is great, and Felix Gray listens to their reviewers.
Had I bought this pair at this time, would I return my pair of Felix Gray Faraday eyeglasses? I’m edging toward no. For one, I had used them over a period of three days when I spent a lot of time in front of my laptop, editing and processing videos for YouTube. There were times when I was just not blinking. My eye strain after the three days was not that bad. So that’s a huge plus.
I don’t usually wear eyeglasses, so it’s hard for me to form a new habit. Wearing eyeglasses take a lot of commitment. They smudge easily, leading to frequent wipe downs. And when a great pair of smart glasses comes out into the market, I wonder if I would still use my Felix Grays once I start using smart glasses. (So Felix Grays, hop on that tech! Make blue-light filtering smart eyeglasses, stat!)
Also, the price is a bit higher than a lot of the other blue-light filtering glasses that you can find on Amazon, which can be priced under $30. The higher price may scare off a lot of potential clients, but you are paying for proprietary technology, sturdy and stylish frames, and excellent customer care.
“Felix Gray filters 100% of glare and over 50% of the entire range and almost 90% of the most impactful wavelengths (380 - 440nm). Additionally, digital devices emit Blue Light in the most abundance at 455nm. Competitors filter ~2% at this nanometer, Felix Gray filters ~30%.”
For great customer experience, lovely packaging, sturdier and less squeaky frames, and cutting my eye strain, I would probably not have returned my new pair of Felix Gray eyeglasses, had I bought them now. As far as what my techie husband has to say about this new pair: “It does not feel like a cheap pair of $10 glasses anymore, and the multilayer of coating reduces reflection well.”
Revised score: 4.0 out of 5 Pandas
Return yay or nay? Nay!
Older review (2018):
Phil rocking my Felix Grays
Hi friends! Recently I purchased a pair of Felix Gray Designer Computer Eye Wear for 95 USD. Felix Gray advertises their glasses as blue-light-filtering, glare reducing, and engineered for happier eyes. I bought a pair of Faraday in black. They are classic frames that create a "smart and chic look... Perfect for a slightly larger face..." That's me! I want to look smart and chic, and I have a large, sqround face!
I'm in my thirties, and I've never really needed glasses. But I was that kid who wanted braces because every other kid had those cute braces with the colorful rubber bands. I always felt that I could hide behind a pair of glasses and look mysterious, or wiser than my age. I actually wore a pair of non-prescript glasses for an interview (as a professor) and I did land the job, even though my glasses fogged up during the interview. (I had to take them off and wipe the lenses.)
I've always wanted to channel an inner sexy librarian, but instead of sexy, the hubs thinks I look silly with glasses on! Now, I'm really digressing. So anyhoo, back to the Felix Grays! I spend a lot of time in front of my laptop. I also play a lot of video games (Monster Hunter World!) I've noticed that on nights when I game into 2 to 3AM, I wake up with tired eyes and a terrible headache. I want to protect my eyes. I want to look chic and stylish, so I got a pair of Felix Grays. Also Facebook knows exactly how to target me as a consumer. After you see Felix Gray ads for the hundredth time on Facebook, you give in and buy a darn pair!
Packaging 5/5
The Felix Gray packaging is pretty and simple. It comes with a branded white leather? or pleather case, a branded lens cloth in dark teal, and an exterior box that is white and dark teal.
Pricing 3/5
Is it me or are all the cool things priced around $95 bucks? Allbird loungers, Felix Grays. I know Rothy's cost more than $100 and Tieks even more than that. $95 for a pair of non-prescription and non-brand name glasses seem a little steep for me. I guess we're paying for technology here, and good health?
Build 3/5
Honestly, my Felix Grays feel like a cheap pair of glasses I can find at any drug store. Or even like a pair of toy glasses Phil has.
The plastic frame (or Italian acetate?) squeaks and makes other weird noises when I handle it. IT'S SO DARN SQUEAKY! If I sit on the glasses, I feel like they'll break. (I think I might break many things if I sit on them, I'm not a little girl...)
Felix Gray advertises their frames as made with Japanese titanium. Maybe they won't break? The lenses seem to have one layer of coating. It reflects green.
Felix Grays are made in China. I'm not against products made in China, when they're quality products like iPhones.
White light is reflected back as green (see the green light specks?)
When wearing them, I can't help but notice that reflection. Things far away don't look clearer with these glasses on. Text on a computer screen does look clearer and darker. This doesn't negate reflection from the lenses, however.
As someone who doesn't wear glasses normally, I find wearing my Felix Gray annoying and quite a chore. Maybe my fingers are always dirty or oily, but I'm constantly wiping the lenses. I'm always aware that they're over my eyes, and that bugs me. But I guess that's how people who aren't used to wearing glasses feel.
Positives 3.5/5
What about some positives? They do look good on me. I haven't worn them long enough or consistently enough to notice a change or decrease in eye strain and fatigue from prolonged screen use. Each time I take off the glasses, my eyes do a weird readjustment thing.
I do notice that I've been sleeping deeper and longer. I've also had more vivid dreams. But I have also been eating better foods and more veggies. So I can't say it's the Felix Gray glasses improving my sleep.
Felix Gray has great marketing, I have to say. The branding looks good. I can't complain about the packaging. Also they might be the only blue-light filtering and fashionable glasses out there for people who don't need glasses, so I feel Felix Gray has captured a niche in the market.
Return yay or nay?
Yay. I'm returning my pair of Felix Gray. All I have to do is email Felix Gray with a reason why I want to return my glasses. My techie husband also has almost-perfect vision. He works in front of a computer screen all day. He tested my pair of glasses did not approve of Felix Gray. He said and I quote, "I would not recommend these glasses to anyone. They feel like a $10 pair of glasses..." The way the lenses reflect negates all its benefits, in his eyes. (He's a much harsher critic than me!)
Phil and Mama awards Felix Grays with 3.625 out of 5 Pandas!
My friends, have you tried Felix Grays? What do you think? Gimmicky or the real deal?