8 Working Mom Tips and Tricks to Relieve Stress

The economy hasn’t been kind, especially to women who have to juggle between motherhood and working to sustain their families. Working mothers are always in a dilemma, trying to strike a balance between those two worlds. They often get caught up in the busy schedules that wear them out. So, what should working mothers do to cope with the roles at work and home adequately? This piece will provide tips for busy working moms on how to handle the hectic world.

Eliminate Clutter

Being a mother is a chaotic job that you don’t get paid for; it’s the most significant title in a home. You will only handle this if you learn to accept that it’s a demanding job but can easily be managed if you are organized. Always ensure that all the laundry, dishes, dusting and any mess is cleared on time to prevent a pile-up. If you don’t clear it on time, everything gets messy, time becomes limited and all the disorganization will tear you down. Also, an organized space helps bring in some peace and calmness that can help you relax. Utilize the KonMari method to reduce clutter in your life.

Hire A Reliable Nanny

We know that you are a super mom with the ability to raise your kids just right. However, a little help from a great nanny wouldn’t hurt a fly. Get someone to help you out with the kids when you are at work, doing shopping, having a few beers, out with the friends or taking a road trip with your partner. This allows you to have some freedom or take some personal time to relieve the stress and relax while your kids are safe under capable hands, so you don’t have to worry about them.

Take Occasional Self-Treats

Mothers are ever busy taking care of everyone else apart from themselves. During the day, you are out with clients and busy work schedules. Back at home, where you expect to find some solace, the whole family is waiting upon you for a delicious meal and helping the kids with homework. You need to take occasional self-treats at the spa or a vacation away from both work and the family. Take a few hours to appreciate yourself for the job well done.

Create Fun Family Activities

Today’s tough economic times have forced women to take full-time jobs. Some of them have two jobs. While making that extra dollar is important so is spending time with the kids. Even if you don’t have the luxury and time to take expensive holidays, create simple family activities such as family nights where you watch movies and play board games. This helps maintain a relationship between you and your child. During these family activities, whether indoors or outdoors, avoid talking about work. Instead, try and bond with your kids and get to know them and their developing interests.

Focus On Being Present

Do not worry about how much time you are giving both at work and to your kids at home. Your kids will benefit from the little quality time you give them rather than duration you are together. Similarly, your clients will appreciate the results of your work in the workplace rather than the time you put into it. It’s always about quality. When you focus on giving quality to both your clients and children, you are left with ample time to regain your energy and prepare for the next task.

Meet Up With Friends

You don’t know how relieving meeting up with friends for lunch, dinner or some wine can be. You might be surprised by how much these simple meetings help an over stressed mom. When you talk to someone who is going through the same issue or at least has been there, you are likely to come out stronger. Do not underestimate that girl talk as it helps you know that you are not on your own in that chaotic world. Together you all soldier on.

Learn How To Get Out Of Stress

One of the first steps of managing stress is to identify stress signs. Common stress signs range from increased heartbeat rates, yelling, thinking irrationally, high blood pressure, irritability, impatience and aggression. It all depends on an individual, and you need to identify the warning signs and correct them. These reactions to stress can affect your relationship with your family, workmates and even bosses. Once you have defined them, work to deal with the stress immediately. Meditation and deep breathing help.

Make Your Mornings Easier

They say your morning determine how good your day is going to be. It would be helpful if you would make it a habit to sleep early and wake up early on a routine schedule. Be sure to lay out your kid’s clothes, have everyone take a shower, do the dishes and iron your clothes in the night before you sleep. Make it a habit to wake up early and prepare the kids and yourself on time to avoid making any mistakes and confusions. This will help you have an easy day at work or at home.

Stress management is a process, and it doesn’t fall into place overnight. You will have to work on your discipline to follow your schedules correctly and relieve stress.

Finally, if you have a partner, work out a chores and tasks schedule with him or her, and make your partner accountable. Don’t carry all the stress on your own shoulders.



About the author: Riya is an inspired writer, passionate about traveling, lifestyle and encouraging startups. As a freelancer, she understands the importance of productivity at work. Riya never stopped finding new ways to create her work productivity. Connect with Riya on twitter, @sanderriya.