Baby's Medieval Times Adventure: Taking a baby or toddler to Medieval Times, Yay or Nay?
Phil at Medieval Times, the calm before the storm
Before Christmas time last year (that's 2014 by the way), we took Phil Bae to Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. We were debating whether or not it was a good idea. He was barely 14 months old, not really walking yet, and it was cold. We had to bring our stroller (the best lightweight one out there-- a Maclaren Mark II) and our magical bag of baby goodies.
Children under 12 still need to pay for a seat just like adults but at half price. We didn't get Phil his own seat. (Bad idea). So we passed Phil amongst four adults during the entire night. We also had to leave our stroller at the gift shop and it's a honor-based system because when you check in your stroller or any other items, you don't get a ticket or something tangible that will prove that the item belongs to you.
The nolse level wasn't bad for Phil Bae and he enjoyed watching the horses. The space was a bit cramped when we were sitting. We had to move all our food and plates away to prevent Phil from causing a Medieval-level catastrophe. The food was really good-- roasted chicken, tomato soup, spare ribs, garlic bread, roasted potatoes, and an apple puff pastry at the end. Phil ate some of the chicken, bread and potatoes. I had snacks and milk packed for him, but he was more interested in "His Majesty's Royal Feast." (That's what they call the meal at Medieval Times.)
Drinks included coffee, soda, or water. Vegetarian meal option is included. Just be prepared that you don't get utensils. You eat everything with your hands. When you ask for utensils-- you'll either have to remind the "wench" (yes, the waitresses call themselves wenches!) or just go without utensils. So pack utensils for your little ones! And snacks! And a sippy cup or bottle for milk/water. (Juices, no. Juices in America are over-pasteurized and full of sugar and no real nutrients.)
Your little one will be fussy over the course of the experience, which lasts around one and a half hour. He or she might fall asleep.
Children under a four or five, I really don't think this venue is for them. They won't remember the experience and it's tough for mommy or daddy to fully enjoy with a fussy baby or toddler on the lap. You can't bring a stroller or strap on a baby seat or chair, so paying the child's admission price (normally $36+ USD before taxes) isn't really worth it.